Register to attend Home Free Canada in Edmonton, Alberta! Join and fellowship with us on May 25, 2025 to witness live concert performances and the message brought by the pulpit ministry of Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol.
TCI Anniversary
PROGRAMCall to Worship Master of Ceremonies Sis. Keren Villareal Praise & Worship Opening Prayer Presbyter Isabel Obsanga Welcome Remarks Sis. Tanya Bico Scripture Reading Pastor Daniel Ferriol Video Greetings Apostle Jonathan S. Ferriol Chief Executive Minister Song of Praise Canada District Ministers Special Greetings Video Feature Pictorial Song of Praise PMCC (4th Watch) – Turks and Caicos Intro to Speaker …
Edmonton Construction Update
Edmonton Construction UpdateOctober 2023 A history maker. This building is a first for the district of Canada to be built from the ground up A once humble place– soon transformed into a beautiful sanctuary where God is worshipped. Here are the current updates of the ongoing construction of the Edmonton house of worship.
Thanksgiving 2023
October 8, 2023 From coast to coast, the spirit of thanksgiving was displayed in fellowships of the Canadian churches. As recipients of God’s overflowing blessing, gratitude could not be better shown than through our worship and thanksgiving. We thank God for the victory He has given us in our Thanksgiving Fellowship in British Columbia, Northern and Southern Alberta, Central Canada, …
50th Anniversary
50th AnniversaryAugust 2023 In a resounding testament to its commitment and dedication, the Canada District stands humbled and grateful as it took its place as partakers of the 33rd International Convention and International Ministers Conference, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards the church’s celebration of its 50th golden anniversary. The honor bestowed upon us to partake in these …
Saskatoon Evangelism
Saskatoon EvangelismMembers of the PMCC (4th Watch) Saskatoon make time at their local market to witness and testify of the love of God.
Montreal Food Drive
Montreal Food DriveThe PMCC (4th Watch) of Montreal conducts a Food Drive in their neighbourhood.
Toronto Frontliners
Toronto FrontlinersAt the peak of the pandemic, the ones who stepped up to the challenges were our medical frontliners. The PMCC (4th Watch) of Toronto representatives made their way to downtown Toronto to serve lunch to the St. Joseph Health Centre’s staff.
Winnipeg Evangelism
Winnipeg EvangelismBrethren of all ages preach the gospel in various areas in the city of Winnipeg.