50th Anniversary

August 2023

In a resounding testament to its commitment and dedication, the Canada District stands humbled and grateful as it took its place as partakers of the 33rd International Convention and International Ministers Conference, marking a significant milestone in the journey towards the church's celebration of its 50th golden anniversary. The honor bestowed upon us to partake in these international events carries with it a sense of privilege and responsibility. Ordinary individuals, yet united under the leadership of the Goodman of the House, each one embraces every assignment and trust. Starting from the Ministers Conference, our pastors have had the opportunity to serve as Master of Ceremonies and the Praise and Worship during the Opening Service. 

One of the highlights of our participation was the Canada District presentation during the Jubilee Night. After many years, the Canadian delegates were able to offer a production number befitting that evening of praises. After months of preparation, the 300+ delegates involved on stage and behind the scenes lifted up a fiery and spirit-filled song unto the Lord. During the MBSI Worship, our district coordinator, Presbyter Joseph Concepcion ministered a relevant and powerful offertory using real-life testimonies to showcase the apostolic mission of giving. 

We rejoice in the victories God has bestowed to us by His grace. We also thank the committees and in-charge for the opportunities and the ministry of our beloved Apostle, the Goodman of the House who serves as our inspiration and example. The ordinary individuals who make up this extraordinary community stand poised to uplift and to serve—a true testament to the unwavering grace that guides their journey as believers in the End of the Last Days, to be God's true Sentinels! To God be all the glory!