Hamilton Evangelism

Hamilton EvangelismBrethren witnessing in Downtown Hamilton of the goodness and love of God.

Mississauga Evangelism

Mississauga EvangelismThe work of testifying is for every member of the church–believers of the PMCC (4th Watch) Mississauga unite in their efforts to evangelize.

Toronto Feeding the Homeless

Toronto Feeding the HomelessFirebrands and Time Redeemers joined hand in hand to help the less fortunate as they all unitedly prepared care packages for a local shelter.

Toronto Law Enforcement Luncheon

Toronto Law Enforcement LuncheonThe PMCC (4th Watch) of Toronto took time to give back to the community. To show appreciation, the church opened its gates and welcomed the law enforcement officers for a special luncheon.

West Edmonton Evangelism

West Edmonton EvangelismThe heart of our outreach efforts is for the salvation of people, with that very purpose, believers evangelize in the different parts of Edmonton.

West Edmonton Toy Drive

West Edmonton Toy DriveMembers from West Edmonton generously offer donations in a Toy Drive in their neighbourhood.

West Edmonton Feeding the homeless

West Edmonton Feeding the homelessThe Women’s Ministry of PMCC (4th Watch) of West Edmonton partnered with Hope Mission in providing meals to those in need.

West Edmonton Blood Donation

West Edmonton Blood DonationThe Men’s ministry of the PMCC (4th Watch) of West Edmonton donates blood at the Canadian Blood Services.