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Toronto’s Reopening June 14, 2020 9:30 AM Sunday School | 10:45 AM Worship | 3:00 PM Seekers Service The PMCC (4th Watch) of Toronto officially reopens on Sunday, June 14. As announced by the Ontario government, all places of worship in Ontario are permitted to open with physical distancing in place and attendance limited to no more than 30 per …
Impact 2020
REGISTRATION var exampleCallback = function() { console.log(‘Order complete!’); }; window.EBWidgets.createWidget({ // Required widgetType: ‘checkout’, eventId: ‘104089476426’, iframeContainerId: ‘eventbrite-widget-container-104089476426’, // Optional iframeContainerHeight: 425, // Widget height in pixels. Defaults to a minimum of 425px if not provided onOrderComplete: exampleCallback // Method called when an order has successfully completed }); SPEAKERS #grid-472 .tg-nav-color:not(.dots):not(.tg-dropdown-value):not(.tg-dropdown-title):hover,#grid-472 .tg-nav-color:hover .tg-nav-color,#grid-472 .tg-page-number.tg-page-current,#grid-472 .tg-filter.tg-filter-active span{color:#ff6863}#grid-472 .tg-filter:before,#grid-472 .tg-filter.tg-filter-active:before{color:#999999}#grid-472 .tg-dropdown-holder,#grid-472 .tg-search-inner,#grid-472 …
Passion 2020
In commemoration of the life of Jesus who embraced the pain and suffering that is intended for us. For our sake He carried the cross, suffered and died so that through His blood we received salvation. Featuring last year’s production of the theatrical ministry of PMCC 4th Watch Toronto – Passion Play and the Word of God to be delivered …